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Propane (C3H8)

Propane (C3H8) is a chemical compound that falls under the liquid petroleum gas (LPG) category. Propane liquifies below its boiling point at −42 °C and solidifies below its melting point at −187.7 °C, at normal atmospheric pressure, it is typically transported as a liquid. Propane is also colorless and odorless gas that is denser than air. It is valued because its low boiling point allows the liquified Propane to vaporize as soon as it is released from its pressurized container, unlike other similar gases that require an additional device to allow total vaporization. Propane is typically used as a fuel due to its portability and high energy density. Propane is an clean fuel listed in the 1990 Clean Air Act. Subsituting propane for other fuels such as gasoline and fuel oil in an Economical and viable step toward cleaner air. Using propane reduces the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide and air pollutants like carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide.

Some Applications of Propane:

  • Fuel for heating systems
  • Used as a propellant
  • Used as a refrigerant
  • Vehicle Fuel

Available Sizes:

  • 12KG, 22KG, 45KG, 270KG, 500KG, & Bulk supply in ISO TANK

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